
Um, he lied to the SEC about being the CEO of Bain from 1999-2002; a fact he lamely tried to cover up by insisting he "retroactively retired" in 2002 back to 1999 (whaaabuh??).  That IS a felony.  Duh.

Btw, I heard Rush is up for the role of the Penguin in Batman 4.  He'd be perfect!  I mean he's already a hideously deformed, squat, obese, misogynist, racist, homophobic, drug-addled pig; all he needs is the threads to make his super-villain visage really shine.

Btw, I heard Rush is up for the role of the Penguin in Batman 4.  He'd be perfect!  I mean he's already a hideously deformed, squat, obese, misogynist, racist, homophobic, drug-addled pig; all he needs is the threads to make his super-villain visage really shine.

Actual headline:

Actual headline:

Verhoeven + Neumeier or GTFO.

Verhoeven + Neumeier or GTFO.

I bet it sounds like a wicked A++ slowed down a whole lot.

I bet it sounds like a wicked A++ slowed down a whole lot.

How could I hate someone who is so untalented and worthless?  I hate the people who made him wealthy WAY more.  In a more perfect world, one that made some kind of sense, people wouldn't like his garbage music and thus, he wouldn't be a celebrity. I BLAME YOU, BIG, DUMB AMERICA!  I blame you.

PWNed by her own OWN.

Nice!  I appreciate your honesty.  You really like Lizzy's music, though?  Really?  "Video Games" is one of the most ridiculous songs I've ever heard in my entire life.  The music and melody aren't so bad, but the lyrics are awful and her forced world-weary chanteuse act is so far beyond fake I don't even know what to

Anal Del Rey isn't very talented, but she's skinny and hawt, so chicks hate her.

Pepperspray Cosplay might make a good band name or not.

I wonder how many deep fried fat burgers, cakes, tubs of ice cream (and, of course, Diet Cokes) Adele will be buying with all that money?  Probably A LOT.

Wait, Amanda Seyfried is going to play Linda Lovelace?? OMG OMG OMG!  PLEASE tell me this is going to be X-rated and she's gonna be doing all her own sex scenes.

I CAN'T WAIT to see these threatened "art films," though.  I hope they're a spectacular meltdown.

Haha!  Oh, rappers, will you ever grow the fuck up?

That's some good smug!  You go to college for that?  Or only halfway through?

At first I was concerned, but after watching some crappy, shaky bootleg of the prologue and the official trailer 2, I think it'll work.  It almost makes him scarier that his voice is distorted like it is.  Of course, if this is gonna be his *thing*, then he a) shouldn't have any long stretches of dialogue like the