
The full title of the rotund Adele's WILDLY OVERRATED song is "Rolling In The Deep Fried Fat Burgers," but she dropped the "Fried Fat Burgers" because she drinks Diet Coke (in between gorging on cake, ice cream, and anything that is slow enough that she can catch it and devour it).

Yeah, see, the thing that made Cohen so great was the guerilla comedy ad-libbing.  This'll probably have some funny gags, but ultimately be whatevs. He needs to find some other disguise and roll with that.

I'm not angry at all.  Sorry if it came off that way.

The fact that you hate Salem makes me love them all the more.  That said, I get why people who suck Bon Iver and Kanye's cocks don't like them.  They're noisy, murky, scuzzy, and weird.  It's also ingenious — who knew that you could mash-up screwed-down syzzurpy hip-hop with shoe-gaze and that it would work?  I love

Could the zeitgeist possibly get any worse or any more pointless?  Probably.

Wow, man, overreact much?  Are you dating a member of the band?  RELAX, "bro."   I was a big fan of the band in the past, I'm just not feeling what I've heard of this.   Maybe you should get some therapy?  Or maybe you're only 15 years old?  Sheesh.

I dig the noisy intro with the beep-beep of the heart monitor sound, but then the first song kicks in and it bored me.  You know, I think I just lost my ear for hip-hop.  I like the screwed-down / sizzurpy / super-slow brand of hip-hop, cause it's noisy and weird, but otherwise I just don't like hip-hop anymore.  Then

Note to people who make tv shows:  MAD MEN isn't loved because it's retro, it's loved because it features incredible writing and acting (in addition to all the historical references).  Next time you try to bite that style, realize it's *more* than style that makes it work.  You're welcome.

Hell, America can't get over WWII — it's the last time we weren't the bad guys.

No, please don't, Marty.  We get it for something like Hugo, but not your usual gritty oeuvre.

Btw, how come everyone thought that imagery was deep in American Beauty?

I dunno, I think boobs, specifically, really awesome boobs (as per Katy Perry's), are perfectly reasonable topics of discussion.

A monkey might eat yer boobers.

I just want to see her in as many sexay fetish costumes as possible.  Gimme an hour of her heaving bosoms and wanna-Bettie Page-y antics and I might actually watch your extremely unfunny comedy show.

Angry? Nah.  Dismissive?  Definitely.  Especially considering that a vastly superior show / story / comic explored the same adolescent concerns — but in a smart, witty, fun, and non-condescending way — in the form of a Vampire Slayer from Sunnydale and her tragic romance with a sometimes good, sometimes very bad,

Haha!  Grunge.

Who, exactly, do they think is going to see this?  The fanbase won't see it because it's an offensively bland white-washing of a beloved moviefilm and mangabook, and the mainstream audience won't see it because they don't give a shit.  SO DUMB.  The only way this could work is if it was made in Japan by someone like

I love David Lynch, but, I'm sorry, this whole thing is REALLY awful.  B- is WAY more than kind.

You sound tuff!  Are you an internet tuff guy?

I reckon they're about the same on the foodchain.  Big whatev's and shrugs from this one in regards to both.