
No, as it was all pretty much awful. BUT, it was *much* less awful than 80s hair metal; a genre grunge basically killed overnight, so, there's that. Other than annihilating bad 80s hair metal, grunge f***ing blew. When everyone was flipping out about Nirvana, I was flipping out about My Bloody Valentine.

I know it's a prequel, but will there be any flash-forwards? I want to know what happens to Huell and also how Saul's future career as a manager of a Cinnabon works out.

Can we please stop pretending that Odd Future or anyone associated with Odd Future is any good?  Thanks.

Ok, ok, I get where I went wrong here, and I concede you are correct, but, to answer your questions:

Are you serious?  Ok. Jourgenson started out his career as a fey, twinky synth pop act.  The rest of his career has been built on his adamant stance that he never wanted to be in a fey, twinky synth pop act, that he was forced into it, and that really he was this metal tuff guy who never wore slouchy socks all along.

Balltease Falcon said: "what and who are you talking about?"

Balltease Falcon said:  "So if Fred Durst were a woman, you would have written the same comment but said "waaaay straight"?"

Not at all.  I'm all for having sex with both men and women seeing as how I'm bisexual and all.  I'm making fun of this guy for being an overcompensating douche.  Of course, Durst is way more of a douche.

Meh, rather than read Uncle Al's version of Ministry and/or various Wax Trax side projects events, I'll stick with Chris Connelly's version as it's probably the truth (or at least a whole helluva lot closer to it):

Soooo, do you often make dumpy, douchey guys take their clothes off in your studio?  I dunno, man, for a guy whose spent the last 30 odd years attempting to distance himself from the fey synth pop music he was "forced" to make by the record company before he turned into a BIG TUFF GUY, that sounds waaaay gay.

Naw, you're reducing it to it's trailer talking points, but discounting the film.  MaMa is one of many threats, a seemingly infinite, exponentially increasing number of threats, *including* it's (necessarily?) insane justice system.  That was sort of the point, wasn't it?  This world is breaking under it's own weight

Naw, you're reducing it to it's trailer talking points, but discounting the film.  MaMa is one of many threats, a seemingly infinite, exponentially increasing number of threats, *including* it's (necessarily?) insane justice system.  That was sort of the point, wasn't it?  This world is breaking under it's own weight

Thing is it's also WAY better than The Raid.  I really hope a sequel comes of this.

Thing is it's also WAY better than The Raid.  I really hope a sequel comes of this.

Wow, I couldn't possibly disagree more with this review.  Did you see the same movie I did?  I thought it was f***in' awesome.  Like a mix of Robocop, Escape From New York, and Mad Max. Brutal, funny, visually stunning, and smart (at least, WAY smarter than you're giving it credit for). Easily my fave action/comic

Wow, I couldn't possibly disagree more with this review.  Did you see the same movie I did?  I thought it was f***in' awesome.  Like a mix of Robocop, Escape From New York, and Mad Max. Brutal, funny, visually stunning, and smart (at least, WAY smarter than you're giving it credit for). Easily my fave action/comic

I think they meant to say "awful," not "depressing."

I think they meant to say "awful," not "depressing."

I still manage to somehow like the original Star Wars movies despite all of Lucas' best efforts to ruin them forever.  That said, the recent addition of Vader comically mooing at the end of Return of the Jedi — previously the ONLY great scene in Return of the Jedi, a deeply emotional scene in which Vader *silently*

Um, he lied to the SEC about being the CEO of Bain from 1999-2002; a fact he lamely tried to cover up by insisting he "retroactively retired" in 2002 back to 1999 (whaaabuh??).  That IS a felony.  Duh.