

I heard about this project years ago… Wondered what happened to it. Hopefully it becomes real because I love Kelley's work.

I heard about this project years ago… Wondered what happened to it. Hopefully it becomes real because I love Kelley's work.

I thought Thor set it up real good.

I thought Thor set it up real good.

that would be cool.

that would be cool.

I'd be down for an African American batman.

I'd be down for an African American batman.

So basically the exact opposite of the avengers (first make the seperate movies then unite) they're going to make Justice and then branch off from there? Considering that Wonder Woman, Flash and Superman movies sound really bad that seems to be the way to go.

So basically the exact opposite of the avengers (first make the seperate movies then unite) they're going to make Justice and then branch off from there? Considering that Wonder Woman, Flash and Superman movies sound really bad that seems to be the way to go.

You forgot to mention EVERY tribute episode of Glee. NOT ONCE did they mention Madonna, Spears, Whitney Houston, or Michael Jackson yet once those artists's music was cleared the whole cast suddenly knew everything about them and were inspired by them.

You forgot to mention EVERY tribute episode of Glee. NOT ONCE did they mention Madonna, Spears, Whitney Houston, or Michael Jackson yet once those artists's music was cleared the whole cast suddenly knew everything about them and were inspired by them.

No mention of the usual suspects?

No mention of the usual suspects?

Damn! That made me snarf, yo!

Damn! That made me snarf, yo!

And just like that I hate this bitch again.

And just like that I hate this bitch again.

You couldnt use a nicer picture?