
It's Pokémons 20th anniversary this year! Any special coverage on that? Super bowl ad anyone?

I actually thought the music and lyrics for that Christmas episode was painful and awkward. I enjoyed the puppet one WAY more. To each their own. The puppet episode felt like a true Community episode.

When they were watching The Wedding Bride 2 in Robin's room, Movie Ted was wearing them.

I respectfully disagree. Henry has become a full grown muscle man, and Fonesca a full grown beautiful woman (in the clip she looks like she did when she was on Desperate Housewives, if not younger). That was pretaped a while ago. ALSO, this - https://www.youtube.com/wat…

SOOOOOOO…. How I Met Your Dad is going to be about Barney, Woman 31, and that baby right?

Apparently, Ryder and Unique made up off screen, because he was dry humping her during "Raise Your Glass."

I vaguely remember it being mentioned that she had a Jewish father. If for sure was though.

A very well written review, Sonia. Good job. :)

A lot of celebrities admit to not knowing how much they're worth or how much they earn. They could just be saying that to avoid saying how much they really make. Funny thing is, it only makes them sound like awful people when they say they don't know.

"As played by Sarah Steele, Rebecca is another chance for the show to point out that not everybody in Hannah’s generation is as self-absorbed as she and her friends are. It works far better than some of the show’s other attempts at this."

I think in the grand scheme of things gay people don't really care what he thinks of them and that the people who watch his show will continue to watch. So he should be allowed to say whatever he wants to say and A&E shouldn't be attacked for allowing him to stay on the air. If you don't like it or don't support his

Someone's been working on their fanfic.

I BELIEVE that Ryder said he wasn't returning NEXT year (since no time has really passed from the season finale to now). But there was NO scene fixing what happened between Ryder and Unique,

i had a very season one feeling as well.

There's nothing wrong with Glee changing the meaning of a song to fit the character's feelings or situation. Changing the character to fit the song is the real crime that Glee is guilty of.

Not trying to be a jerk.

I'm so happy Brie Larson is coming back!!!!!!!

I really didn't like Applause at first and now I love it. Lady Gaga knows what we like before we do. That's what makes her a genius.

An awful lot of pre-taped skits. The taped pieces are really feel like the rejected stuff that Digital Shorts didn't want. Like who ever writes them is trying really hard to imitate Andy's old stuff - tonally. Anyone else feel that way?

I can't believe some of these complaints in the comment section…