
I know right, Romy deserves a freakin' Emmy for that one scene.

When I don't like a comic, I just leave.

aw… i really wanted helen mirren. oh well. good choice anyways.

that was good. i've never seen this show and this makes me want to see it.

okay that was a terrible trailer! let's try that again, Lionsgate.

All jokes aside, this feels like it came out of nowhere.

Hey, AVCLUB should do those 4 part interviews where Lena Dunham walks us through season 2! i'd read that!! :D

You should do Digimon: Digital Monsters (the first series, two seasons). 104 episodes. Loved that show growing up. :)

if i had her voice - i would sing it out, too

it would be cool if he came back and wrote the series finale.

Celebrities die in threes. Who's next?

i really think lea michele is going to ask to be released from her contract and leave the show. i really don't see her returning.

TO ME it seemed like this was planned like this: Will told Aubry "it would be so funny if you run up and snatch it from me" and aubrey was like "YEAH" so when the moment came Will decided to be an ASSHOLE and not let her snatch it so Aubrey returned to her seat thinking "what a dick. that's not what we agreed on"

I'm normally not affected by celebrity deaths (in that I'm sad and physically in shock) but ‪#‎CoryMonteith‬ 's passing is upsetting to me. Obviously I've never met him but I truly liked him in his interviews and performances. To go from dropping out of high school and stealing to feed a drug addiction to being on one

I think it speaks highly of Cory - how he was into goofy scifi stuff and how he never forgot his roots - acting in really lame b movies. he has a fondness for it. it also reveals, oddly, his state of mind when it happened.

damn, i've never heard anyone scream like that before. like her vocal chords reached a point to where they couldn't convey the horror she was feeling.

Just let this show die already. I love it, but I'm tired of seeing the empty shell of what this show used to be.

i can'r believe i ever bought them as outcasts…

once again, no irony is lost on the photo selection. love it

This is fucking stupid. If I were here PR person I would have her apologize once and then GO AWAY. This just makes her look worse. Also, I really don't think what she did was that bad.