
You couldnt use a nicer picture?

You, sir, have pointed out the biggest reason why a zombie apocalypse would never happen.

i don't want to mess with it either!!

A good book is a good book. Same with Harry Potter. Tons of adults read those.
Now, why an ADULT would read Twilight is beyond me.

The font is HUGE, that's why.

@avclub-d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820:disqus - Considering that the Rue/Katniss storyline is the most emotional one, it's kind of sad it's not given to time it deserves.

Stephen King loved this book.

Yup. They found a way to capitalize on it….

The make up on this cast is INTENSE. Cam had a SHITLOAD.

The ONLY advantage Hulu has is that they have current seasons. Otherwise, it's not worth the 8 dollars.

Oh, what cruel irony!! I LITERALLY started using Netflix TWO DAYS ago and I come to find out, come tomorrow, all the STARZ movies in my instant que will no longer be available…. Sonofabitch!!!

18 - 25 year olds and 40+ year old virgins. What a niche!

Can SOMEONE please explain what seems to me an arbitray issue?
I don't understand the issue with bandwidth… Is there only so much room for the internet? It's not an actual physical thing so…

Is this a joke about her writing style and constant use of adverbs? Cause if it is, spot on! :)

The songs were REALLY bad this week… :(

Is readership of these articles REALLY that high, AVC still needs to review this show??? Haha I know… I'm a H8R.

Did you notice when Mitchell went to work and DIDN'T kiss his husband good bye? LAME!!

This episode LITERALLY had FOUR storylines going on… Oddly enough this episode pulled it off.

Fanfic come true.

they were having moments in the Nationals episode of season two. Oh, and PROM!