
@avclub-926fbfca4285491349d0379c1806ef28:disqus - the were having moments in the Nationals episode of season two. Oh, and PROM!

I'm so sad Tina has had NOTHING to do this season. Even less that Mike Chang… I love how the media is pointing out Darren's absence YET no one bats an eye when an original cast member is missing for and episode and a half.

Finn and Kurt always have good scenes together (that is when the show remembers they are friends/stepbrothers). Favorite/Best scene of the night.

Why are people hating on Will so much? I thought this episode was good for him. You're telling me in NO WAY can he EVER angry at Emma for ANYTHING? Are you serious? He was seriously trying to focus and she kept bringing up her stupid pamphlets AS IF that would solve his issues (as if it were to really solve ANYONE'S

This episode only reenforces the fact there should be a spanish language version of this show on telemundo or univision or something. and no, not a dubbed version - a full on spanish version with spanish music. Their first themed episode could be Shakira. she has an amzing library of spanish music.

I'm lovin' all the love for New Girl. :D

Please refer to these characters with the names you've given them FROM NOW ON!

Was that lesbian in ANY episode before this???

Chris Pratt's physical comedy IS AMAZING! Normally, shit like that is exhausting. But he is a real pro and too damn funny at it. Even when I SEE the joke coming from a mile away, he finds a way to make it funny.

People, stop hating on Grey's! This show is still very good compared to other crap things on the air. Yes, this episode was pointless, but ever since season six, the show has been on a creative upswing. The show still does well in ratings and it was only a few years ago Sandra Oh and Chandra Wilson stop recieving

I'm under thirty and I didn't know about Who's On First but I'm so glad I learned about it today. I know of Abbott and Costello, though. I saw their Jack and the Beanstock movie when I was little.

Fail! hahaha!!

When Kurt's dad walked in - WHO ELSE HOPED BLAINE had died in surgery?? Anyone?

Actually, I've seen it too, and I liked it. It's my new Glee but the OP pointed out that it's going to vastly different and much more challenging.

Yes, Darren is out next week, too. That Irish kid was SO AWKWARD during Black and White!

I JUST realized something: So if Rachel fails at being on Broadway and marries Finn it will actually be a perfect parallel to Will Shuester! He married young and was the show choir's golden boy. He wanted to be on Broadway but it never panned out. Oddly enough, Rachel failing will be perfect to capture the meassage of

They've been saying she has straight A's since season one. And being on two different teams that make it to Nationals is very impressive, let alone being the head of one of them. Also, Quinn mentioned Yale earlier this year after Sectionals. So she's had every intention of applying there for some time. Yet it still

Don't we all?

You know is some cases, it so ridiculous to see the band. Like when Quinn was having her fantasy and that awkward moment where Rachel accepts Finn's proposal AND THE BAND IS JUST SITTING THERE WATCHING THEM MAKE OUT!! What the hell was that?

Oh that's right, I totally forgot Mike sang this week. You think that's a bad sign?