
I was bummed when they got rid of Crystal Pepsi. It tasted good if you got it in a glass bottle.

(groan) Here you go, your majesty.

I've seen a ton of commercials for this movie. (Something about them always seemed like they were hyping a direct to DVD movie.) What does it say for Gomez's star power that this story is how I found out she was even in it?

Getting buzz on reddit is the great new way to market a movie to everyone — even cynical members of Generation X.

God yes. It went to places I didn't know I wanted to go. I was generally bummed when it ended, and it lasted a long time.

^^ Right there with ya brother.

I'm not sure Stewart's going to do anything different than Oliver did, mainly because Oliver didn't do anything different than Steward does. The tone and subjects were the exact same.

Of all the podcasts and characters that exist, I think Wompler is the only one that could carry a movie. How good it would be comes down to execution. But I'd love to see Earwolf stretch out and try to make that happen. It would make tens of hundreds of dollars.

Very much agree about the cyborg. Not how the cyborg looked. All fear is gone when she starts attacking them. It was more the way she reached out for help in agony and fearduring the process.

Same thing. Are you my sister?


Oh, he knew that answer. Just playing a little too cool for school.

Don't some women have a child's voice because of molestation? I think I heard that on a Dr. Drew show, not that that makes it factual.

Stephen Colbert Presents Stephen Colbert's Alpha Squad 7: A Tek Jansen Adventure

I hate having a job and coming to comment when everyone else has gone inside to do their homework.

I was less traumatized and more confused. I was watching a cartoon, with
talking rabbits, but Bugs Bunny stuff wasn't happening. I didn't
understand cartoons were allowed to be serious. And I mean I thought it
was a hard fast scientific rule of the universe that was being broken.
My mom said I should turn it, but I

Don't be silly. He's English. There are no black people in England.

Her accent is all over the place.

I never knew Pierre Chang was played by a guy named Francois Chau.

Thing is, I've heard Offerman talk about how they wrote the part with him in mind. He read for Paul, didn't get it, but then they tailor made Swanson because they liked him so much. But the executives weren't ready to sign off on it. So they brought in other actors to read for a part written for Offerman. And he'd sit