
I get that. It was a little juvenile in an embarrassing to be watching kinda way. But then his "Ow my butt" in slow motion hit me in the sweet spot and had me rolling.

Where would we as a nation be if Young MC had not written Wild Thing and Funky Cold Medina.

Where's Firefly?

Brooklyn 99


For as much complaining of how competent he is, tonight he was super cop. Figures out they need to look for a left handed man. Finds that left handed man. And then pulls some physical hand to hand combat you would not expect. At first I chalked up his detective prowess to some Asberger shit. Now, it's like he's

"Santiago got us kicked out of a bar and we were attacked by rats. Best Thanksgiving ever."

um, yeah. (with way more confidence one would expect)

Man, there are so many TV's in here

Remember when Santiago call you beautiful?
Yes, that was odd.

I'd be a perfect student,
learning everything she knew.
Studying hard to pass her test
For the night we would get to know each other and share stories of growing up.

I've seen worse in the extra couple of minutes of Broke Girls that my DVR catches.

I've found myself reading things on the internet in the same sing song manner. God I hope it ends.

I think Professor Lisa may be the hottest girl of the week ever for this show.

This twitter feed is all that's wrong in the world. You live in a time like no other. There is amazing entertainment of your choosing at your finger tips. More than all of your ancestors had access to combined. If you aren't watching, reading, or listening to it, that's your fault.

Also, Venture Bros Dr. Quymn, I Presume.


should not and will not are two different things though. And you know, I bet it's funnier the second time. Because they don't have to set up the premise as hard and they'll get a chance to strengthen what works. But the third through tenth times will be awful to where we hate baby CEO.

Ben accepting, excelling, and leaving his job in one episode sums up P&R commitments to storylines, careers and character arcs pretty well. We never see anyone do anything, just changing along from one to another.

I've been in a few graphic design layout meetings. It is scary how much white space rules what goes where. Apparently it is something designers are taught to give a shit about. To the point that it is several rungs more important than functionality or conveying information.