
Big Kudos to the picture department. Could not have gotten a better still to go with this story.

I don't have it on my phone, but I don't get hating it. Plus, I have to admit, watching Perry and the girl with Autism sing it for Night of Too Many Stars, it has too much goodwill for me to think harshly about it.

Pick any brick. (Hilarity ensues)

My favorite is the one where he does the splits.

Why do they not teach this in school? This is a more valuable lesson than Roman Numerals. Think how much better society would be if only 5% of single mothers or cukholded husbands learned this in an academic setting.

Funny, I came into this article to specifcally ask about Podmass. Is it dead? On hiatus? I don't know if AV thought it required too much time or what, but it really is/was the most useful feature they do/did.,

Just to confirm, GOD ALMIGHT YES was she sexy in Long Gone. I can still remember the effect it had on eighth grade me. Not in a creepy way (well, I'm sure it reads that way) but comical. I was just a giant bag of hormones with more nervous energy than i knew what to do with the night I watched it. It was like the

Shit just got long

Yep. The Tick vs The Tick with the door man character asking for cards.

OK, so rather than ask where Time and Punishment came from, I looked it up. "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury. Still, I've never heard of it. Did any of you recognize that when it first aired? If I were to watch it, would it add anything to the TOH segment?

yes, but even better is how awesome the toaster looks when he closes it back up. they could have had him traveling time because of some rats nest of wires. but they went the other way, and you see computer boards and vacuum tubes instead.

Best little touch in a Simpson episode ever. They put that awesome picture from the movie of the two chicks on Willie's bedroom wall.