Ellsworth Toohey

It's on most of the services right now, which I'm hoping is a prelude to something new getting made. They've been talking about a movie for years, and Pacific Rim did well enough. This is like that but with a built-in fanbase.

Those, Watership Down, Last Unicorn, Robotech, Brave Little Toaster… we were raised on death and trauma.

The Indians. I couldn't get super wasted because I had court the next day. Drank too much anyway, that was a very long game. Luckily court was only 5 minutes.

That was my drink for Game 7!

Stephanie Courtney

Funny you should ask, I'm about to find out. Had a fender bender at the gas station yesterday.

Those authorities don't control a whole lot though, do they? It's not like they have a navy or an air force. Or much in the way of farm land. I'm pretty sure there's a port but…

Don't believe everything you hear. "Progressive" sounds good, because it usually is good. Evil never calls itself evil.

Uh… might wanna get moving on that.

You keep talking about some of these people, and why they deserve an awful life, while ignoring everybody else living in those conditions. What of them?

They're like that one friend from high school who keeps calling you for bail money because he beats up hobos every weekend.

That wasn't our idea! The rain delay fucked everything up for us.

Do I really have to explain that beauty queens aren't known for dating plumbers?

The issue is who dominates the white collar sector to begin with. Hint… I already mentioned a color.

Money for guns! Or underwear, whatever.

Me too! He called my cousin a strumpet.

A Hollywood gala to support the army of a foreign country? I don't care what country it is, that just seems weird.

They heard the call and they wrote it on the wall.

Ohio's sitting Republican senator is crushing his opponent by like 18 points. The state Democratic party insisted on nominating an uninspiring moderate. They even refused to hold primary debates.

Running for office puts your character qualities front and center. Leaders need to be decent people or we're all fucked. Artists are often… problematic. But they don't make decisions for the rest of us. And appreciating artwork is distinct from appreciating the person behind it.