Ellsworth Toohey

From what I've read, these people will be dressed up with official-looking ID badges they printed off the internet. Whole thing is run by the guy who used similar tactics to win a 1981 NJ governor race, which got the entire Republican party in trouble.

Disconcerting news: A federal appeals court in Ohio just ruled— this morning— that Trump's voter intimidation "poll monitor" tactics are allowed to proceed as planned.

There is an alternative: everyone votes and votes democrat.


Very little pop culture because I'm building a website and finding it very difficult. This is not my skillset, not at all. Multiple instances of "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T MOVE THIS LEFT OR RIGHT?" and "WHY ARE YOU CUTTING OFF MY PICTURE IN PREVIEW MODE BUT NOT EDIT MODE?"

I've seen medieval Japanese comics that are strikingly similar to what we have now.

Please don't do that. We want you here too.

Please don't do that. We want you here.

Yes they are two different things, and they may both have been in play here. Some people do sometimes consent to the Trumps of the world. Trump is still bad and Trump still committed multiple assaults.

The fact that these things are objectively measurable, and that there is a difference, does not make it the oppression olympics. Kids get rejected by their families for other reasons too. People end up homeless for all kinds of reasons. Of course none of that is good. But add it all up and it still pales in

But you're ignoring people who really do worship stars, who really are attracted to money and power, whose personal decisions about consent are affected by those factors simply because that's the philosophy they've chosen for their life.

My problem with her is that she IS the right wing. She and her husband have dragged our party toward the other one and I don't appreciate it. I'm not against compromise, I'm against starting there when the other side is so objectively extreme. She should never have allowed Trump to stake out an economic populist

I really appreciate your being nice about it. Maybe you can help me understand. So far I've gotten responses of hmm, no, and fuck off. But I've got zero clarity on how it's not a willful action, regardless of identity. In my (limited) experience, sometimes the action follows the identity but sometimes not, which

One is a real quote I honestly didn't think was controversial, the other isn't a quote at all. It's bullshit I didn't say. Most people who want to get fondled by celebrities discuss it openly, sometimes in writing. There's no secrecy involved.

I early-voted for Clinton even though I can't stand her. Millions of others have too. Life isn't black and white, it's more like little black dots on white that end up looking gray from a distance.

I'm a Social Justice Warrior, and I find things funny.

Eventually though, we need to figure out how not to be in this position. Trump's badness doesn't make hers less bad. Gotta get away from the badness, all of it.

Actually it does mean the first thing. The second thing… is what it is. Trump is, for the most part, lying. That's what he does. But it doesn't change the definitions of words.

You're straight up insisting that false accusations never happen. But people who have made them have written about them. Are those people all lying? About having lied? "Common" is undefinable, and untrue, but "never" is a bridge too far.