Cooking With Cranston

So I've heard. I'll be spectating with great interest on August 21st.

Try H. G. Wells.

I like Daisy Ridley's calves.
So long as her character wears rolled-up pants or cargo shorts, I'll watch it.

Is it me or do most young adult books read like they're written by stunted adults, like fanfic of unknown characters?

Now I'll never be able to watch X-men: The Last Stand the same way again but maybe I shouldn't watch it again, period.

and Kelsey Grammer is Raiden.

Uh huh, yeah

20 years from now, will we be looking back at the worst year in any U.S. presidency?

I think they inject novocain into his brow before photo shoots.

You could stuff the world's fortune cookies with Bender and Fry quotes.

I could never 'not' lose it everytime he'd abruptly shout "I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!"

I think after Trump, wer'e going to have to put an "Out of Order" sign on the political pendulum.

Careful, some people reading this may get the wrong message here.

I dunno, if a few guys with box cutters could do it, I don't see why sticking a bunch of dental picks between my knuckles like plastic Wolverine claws wouldn't.

Movie Taverns are sort of filling that gap.
Decent food at a reasonable price and they serve beer and liquor.

So sci-fi horror. I love those movies as well. Remember Saturn 3? That actually freaked me out as a little kid.

2001 pretty much opened the flood gates for cheap, inferior, high-concept sci-fi pieces over the next decade.

Lacey Chabert, alone, made Lost In Space worth seeing at least once.

That used to be the case before Superhero blockbusters tapped into the geek market who will see said films several times over, more than makes up for the teenage, female demograph.

The design aspect is impeccable but I rewatch it mostly for the final moments of the tragic event. The practical effects and seamless, conservative use of CGI blended beautifully to make for a really memorable scene.