Cooking With Cranston

Still waiting for that half-pound Fuddruckers turtle burger.

Plus Goose or Duck won't feed a large/extended family like a large turkey. You'd need to bake 2 or more. But that could be attributed to steroids and antibiotics they pump into domestic turkeys.

Shark is actually pretty dense closer to pork in texture.

Horses, the way they are raised now, are far too expensive to be produced as food livestock and I doubt they'd still be healthy(ier) if horses were raised like beef cattle.

How would you compare it to shark?

Sadly, most women aren't feminists, either.

I usually feel obligated to leave the room.

You might be a furry if….

Now I want to play House, Dr. Caligari's house.

That's no MOON

Who the HELL Are You?

I love cyclical chemistry.

Actually, I've had that. It's quite good. There's a Trader Joe's a few miles from me and I always remember to grab me a bottle when I'm replenishing my coffee supply. 8-)

I love spicy sauces but not so spicy as to sacrifice flavor. I'm always looking for a good hot sauce that tip-toes that fine balance.
I'd welcome some good suggestions.

A luxury not everyone is so blessed with.

Protests don't pay the bills or put food on my table. That's why you mostly see college kids, senior citizens and unemployed fat people on disability at protests.

I'm on the fence. If you think of Ray Kroc, yeah he stole the McDonald's business and even the name from the McDonald brothers but without Kroc, would McDonald's be the universally recognized fast food empire it became or would it have died a quick, quiet death in San Bernardino in 10 or 15 years?

But we didn't have smart phones then.

I like to think of Trump as more like the Mayor from Tom Goes to the Mayor.

Or at least replicate some.