Cooking With Cranston

If you build a house on a faulty foundation and the house collapses, do you build another house on the same foundation or do you start over?

What a delightful man.

You and your one-shaft mind.

*Clops* once in agreement.

Are you sure that wasn't drivesweeper you were playing?

Does this book mix well with vodka?

But it does serve to certify the latter of his statement.

Jack Burton…ME

Or at least ask: is it worth giving a f@#k and doing it anyway?

I have to assume he's playing Haggar in a live action Final Fight movie?

Ha Ha! I love those web strips. Glad to know somone else out there is aware of The Perry Bible Followship Comics.

I guess I no longer need to continue to shamefully use my 'unregistered' copy of Zbrush anymore.

Parents wish they'd bought him a lawnmower instead of a Fender.

and tickle the other half.

Not quite as charming as Brandon Bird's 'Last Supper', where everyone is James Woods, except Judas. He's Peter Weller. http://www.brandonbird.com/…

You people are hilariously mean.

Wait till Netflix?

Mantis tries to break it up but things get ripped, the Quinjet leaks oil onto the floor and well…

Creed: "The Cold War is over."