Cooking With Cranston

What would Captain Kirk's chances be with Gamora?
Inquiring nerds wanna know.

That's still my movie-going standard.

Just chain him to a corralling post and stick a 3DS in his hands. He'll be fine.

I'd like to think they wrestled for it.

How delightfully out of character this post was ;-)

Shall we just play it safe and call it 'potentially awesome'?

I can almost guarantee at the very end, Thor, Hulk and the gang all do a jump, freeze frame victory cheer just before the credits.

You'd be suprised how little things surprise me anymore.

My giddy Flash Gordon senses get more tingly with each new promo.

Thor's guns or Hulk's?

It's not surprising at all, really. Country Music patrons are generally heavier and wear tighter clothes.

I'm guessing when they stopped throwing their fists in the air and began puking on each other is when someone made the call.

you mean 'disappointing'?

Doctors report some cases of brain and liver damage but absolutely zero case of infection.



Call it Nostal Jetée.

barren, masturbatory husk of nostalgia and referential material
The A.V. Club?

So THAT's where that meme came from.

Or, one could've hoped Paul Verhoeven directed it instead.