Cooking With Cranston

I haven't read the book but I'm guessing they are the virtual police of the Oasis and that part never changes.

That's exactly how I pictured Columbus, Ohio 30 years from now, except swap out VR Oasis for crystal meth.


Apparently fantasy orcs with space guns ain't got time for Freddy Krueger.

But I'm glad Mike Tyson is getting work.

I'm pretty there's an indie horror movie about this already in the works.

I imagine Charles Mansion's will just be some local pencil pusher with a rubber stamp.

Boy, aren't you the optimist.

That's why we have suicides.

Trump to make O.J. Simpson head of the Department for Humanities.
We still have that, right?

Yeah, if it weren't for the O.J. Simpson murder trial, he probably wouldn't have gotten any time at all, let alone 10 years but then again, none of this would have happened in the first place if it weren't for the murder trial. Still, two completely different things and the sentence was a poor and perverted

Only anchor my longing for a return to the '80s.

You know you've made it once you've been featured in a Sharknado movie.

I haven't recognized SNL's existence since like 2002?

Here comes Internet Girl!

Dawes has been taking a back seet lately.

Big Issues
The A.V. Club

I wonder David Lynch would be interested in making a live-action series for Netflix.

Will this madness never blend?

I could watch Overwatch WTF Moments series on Overwatch Highlights YouTube channel all day.