Cooking With Cranston

I discovered a lot of cool artists on SounCloud.
I guess I better get more acclimated with BandCamp.

Damn Rocking Chair won't stay still!
*wedges CD's under rocking chair*

To be fair, though, DMX lost far more in making all those shitty movies.

Less individual acts of violence but much greater impact in the ones that do.

But David Byrne was so sure This Must Be the Place.

That's me with most FPS games.


But it's the short-lived acts we remember most fondly.
Is it fate? Destiny? Or just the right people together at the right time, created something special and then moved on?

I prefer Spanakopita, myself.

Will the movie be updated to Men Are From Linkedln, Women Are From Pinterest?

'Bull of the Woods' deepened your voice and turned your pansy-ass son into a man.

How come I never got a happy ending from a box of Rice Krinkles?

Johnny got his gun.

But will we ever get past the implications of organic teleportation, effectively terminating the source target and cloning the destination target?

Try the Zinger from KFC: 'It's Out Of This WORLD!'

I felt the same way about the Statue of Liberty when they planted it in the NY Harbor.

No thanks, I think I'll just buy a regular KFC sandwich to simulate the experience of swallowing a sandwich-shaped meteorite.

God, I loved watching that on Adult Swim.

The perfect superhero companion to Netflix's Daredevil.

Preferably with a laser sword, riding a T-rex.