Just in case this hasn't been mentioned further down the comment thread, may I remind you that cockroaches have been overtaking this planet for the last half century or more.
Just in case this hasn't been mentioned further down the comment thread, may I remind you that cockroaches have been overtaking this planet for the last half century or more.
At that point, you don't really care who they are or what they look like.
I've always been partial to "Abaddon".
Mind expanded
Friend pool diminished
Thank goodness for unfiltered internet.
There's nothing exaggerated about them.
Most of my relationships opened with "Last Call!"
Screw that. I don't like to rush my business.
The owl-headed guy riding a wolf would fit right in an Old Spice commercial. Sorry, Terry. Time to move on.
Well, look at the bright side:
Water and Ice will be free once more.
"nnnnNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!" *through a cardboard tube*
That's where the Jolly Rancher candy company buries it's run-off.
A Dark Days Knight?
Sarcastro? I'm onto you…..
About the same as a 9 year-old with an iPhone.
I almost feel bad for liking this…..almost.
I'm not heartless.
Man, I'm so old-world.
Did he not call any of her friends or her friends' parents?
Like one of those Real Dolls?
Or as I like to call it "Derail Any Mandatory Meeting By Letting Everyone In Attendence Eye-fuck Your Daughter Day"