I've switched to virgin coconut oil anyway.
I've switched to virgin coconut oil anyway.
"And no, I never miss his show. I can't help myself, its like when I watched all 96 hours of Dexter, its kind of like that."
The A.V. Club- Keeping trivial nostalgia relevant since 1993.
like the staggering price of single malt Scotch over the past couple years.
P.P.P.S. The internet is a failing pile of gawbij.
I'm the opposite. I like John Stewart. I just don't think he's funny. The people around him are funny and he's great at reacting. Also, his guest interviews were pretty good.
I'll need about four….and 20 minutes.
My biggest issue with Maher as a comedian is his approach lacks any tact. He just presents the subject and blurts the obvious contradiction and irony.
haw haw….you said 'Tom Green'.
What are you?….like 37?
The real tragedy of all this, imo, is when I think about what might have been if FOX Feature Animation studios had stuck around into the millennium.
You don't presume to tell me what is and is not goth. I have Anne Rice for that.
So is Unicorn Tolerance about bronie culture?
When Trump gets upset, he washes his hands.
I also read Paul's Tweet in Ajax's voice.
I read Jason's Tweets in Duckman's voice.
Who's John Legend?
Agreed. The drinking and smoking combined with being immobile for long periods had nothing to do with it.
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
How could I ever watch a Star Wars movie or a Star Trek movie the way it was meant to in a world without Rich Evans?