Joe Morgan Spurlock

Rob was a monster because his mother ate some irradiated sushi while pregnant and watching Jaws.

Basically, things are fine because our resident conservative commentators haven't discovered these threads yet.

Basically, things are fine because our resident conservative commentators haven't discovered these threads yet.

Dr. Pepper disagrees.

Dr. Pepper disagrees.

I'm pretty sure Kingdom Come was about that.

I'm pretty sure Kingdom Come was about that.

Hey baby, mind if I tinker with your fish tank?

Hey baby, mind if I tinker with your fish tank?

I hated hated HATED the actress who played Jennifer Sisko. Absolutely no emoting skills whatsoever. I get trying to maintain continuity, but I really wish they'd just recast her after the first episode.

I hated hated HATED the actress who played Jennifer Sisko. Absolutely no emoting skills whatsoever. I get trying to maintain continuity, but I really wish they'd just recast her after the first episode.

Seriously, the only people I hate more than Romney voters are people who refer to X2 as X-Men United.

Seriously, the only people I hate more than Romney voters are people who refer to X2 as X-Men United.

No but they will have to 'shop out the santorum stains on Fassbender's pants.

No but they will have to 'shop out the santorum stains on Fassbender's pants.

Congratulations on not reading the first comment.

Congratulations on not reading the first comment.

Holy crap that is one airbrushed image… where do I start? Does January Jones have the same plastic surgeon as Sharon Stone?

Holy crap that is one airbrushed image… where do I start? Does January Jones have the same plastic surgeon as Sharon Stone?

Go vote Republican then, you uncultured dickwad.