Joe Morgan Spurlock

I don't think googling "Naked City" is going to give you what you're looking for, though.

So… basically the only diference between this and Leviathan is that Leviathan doesn't star Adam Sandler? Figures.

Yeah, I don't give a shit if you're hiding behind somebody else's post. FLAGGED.

In your pants.

Ugh, no. I'm a huge fan of both Harvey Birdman and Lewis Black, but that character just annoyed the hell out of me.

@avclub-f41c98ac606e9b29fce2d59f71df434d:disqus Yeah, well… Your mom! FUCK!
*runs home crying*

The Gecko's Australian. Ass.


Please explain the term "pussy-ass."

Coming next year from Angel Studios: Albert Pujols and Jered Weaver star in the new-and-improved remake of Brown Bunny!

Maybe actually reading the article above will jog your memory.

And no penis should be longer than half an inch.

And no penis should be longer than half an inch.

"Werf" is Dutch for wharf, or shipyard.

In a deleted scene from the original Austin Powers, Alotta Fagina, tired of all the jokes, has her name legally changed to Sandy Fagina.

Then he's doing it wrong.

I like balls!

"Why won't you let me get a bikini wax?"
"Because this guy on the A.V. Club praised my depictions of 'lush vegetation!'"

I've never seen Monkeybone, and the description "Fraser's uncontrollable childhood erections" doesn't have any appeal for me.

The penitent man… KNEELS BEFORE ZOD!!!