Joe Morgan Spurlock

Go vote Republican then, you uncultured dickwad.

"I'm not saying he's some moral exemplar and everything he did was okay,
but trying to live to a higher standard and failing is pretty human and
shouldn't entirely discount one's works or impact."

"I'm not saying he's some moral exemplar and everything he did was okay,
but trying to live to a higher standard and failing is pretty human and
shouldn't entirely discount one's works or impact."

The Bible. Duh.

The Bible. Duh.

Back in elementary school, a girl used to tease me by calling me "Eric the Horsedick."

Back in elementary school, a girl used to tease me by calling me "Eric the Horsedick."

Oh yeah, well I'm gonna make my own Captain America movie! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the Captain!

Oh yeah, well I'm gonna make my own Captain America movie! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the Captain!

I got you beat. The first Star Trek episode I ever watched was NextGen's "Shades of Grey." Thank goodness I was way too young to realize it sucked.

I got you beat. The first Star Trek episode I ever watched was NextGen's "Shades of Grey." Thank goodness I was way too young to realize it sucked.

I used to fap to Hot Shots Part Deux's reenactment of No Way Out's sex scene… I was quite disappointed to find out women's thighs don't honk when you squeeze them.

I used to fap to Hot Shots Part Deux's reenactment of No Way Out's sex scene… I was quite disappointed to find out women's thighs don't honk when you squeeze them.

@nummymuffincookoobutter:disqus "Viva" is Spanish. "Vive" is French. Learn the difference, or they'll never let you in.

@nummymuffincookoobutter:disqus "Viva" is Spanish. "Vive" is French. Learn the difference, or they'll never let you in.

Looks like Abed's "Alien" costume from "Epidemiology."

Looks like Abed's "Alien" costume from "Epidemiology."

@avclub-4dac88f2b39b42277da52e2c1cf36c5c:disqus : FLAGGED for confusing Clint Eastwood with Robert Redford