corky thatcher

Surprised there was no mention of Babe: Pig in the City. I saw it in the theater with my gf when it came out (we were both in out 20's) and nearly walked out of the theater when they drowned the dog.

Much love for Mouse Hunt. I remember going to see it because Lee Evans was in it and being the only person in the theater. Really surprised/bummed that his career never took off here in the U.S.

Clean Sheets FTW!!!

Oh fuck yeah…. Kill List is fucking bonkers.

Oh shit!!! I almost forgot Bloodiest "Descent" and Horseback "Invisible Mountain". Both are pretty excellent entries into the post-black genre, but Horseback is a little tough to get into, esp. the rest of their discography. Very drone-y and ambient.

Yes you should. I drove to Chicago last month (cuz they weren't coming to Mpls) to see them on their current tour with Young Widows and they fuckin' slayed. I doubt I'll see a better show this year.

Boris is fuckin' great.
Tthe new deafheaven sets the bar for what black metal can do in a post-rock idiom. Def not for the faint of heart, tho.

I was wondering what the deal was with her gloves in the scene with Abigail. Has she been wearing them all season and that's the 1st I've noticed or if there something else going on with her that they haven't explained?

Kinda surprised that neither of you guys picked the new Darkthrone. That album fucking slays.

Couldn't possibly care less about this band other than the fact that one of the best hardcore bands out there right now, Enabler, just lost their drummer because of this. Hurley's drumming on All Hail the Void fucking ripped.

Couldn't possibly care less about this band other than the fact that one of the best hardcore bands out there right now, Enabler, just lost their drummer because of this. Hurley's drumming on All Hail the Void fucking ripped.

"Ow! My tiny leg!" got the biggest laugh out of me from either episode tonite.

Sister Mary Eunice ass ain't good enough for ya?

Sister Mary Eunice ass ain't good enough for ya?

Wikipedia says it was incorporated in 1951. Just sayin'.

Wikipedia says it was incorporated in 1951. Just sayin'.

Fuck this shit, Heller! Where's the new "Loud"?

Fuck this shit, Heller! Where's the new "Loud"?

Comcast has it on VOD. Watched it tonite. Pretty great flick.

Comcast has it on VOD. Watched it tonite. Pretty great flick.