corky thatcher

Hmmm… I think you missed a couple of the best releases of the year this month.
Sigh-In Somniphobia and Hail Spirit Noir-Pneuma are both early personal front-runners for my album of the year. Both of 'em are spooky as fuck and have the catchiest melodies I've ever heard in black metal while completely rewriting the book

Never heard of these guys before so I checked 'em out. Holy balls, that song is TIGHT.

I forgot about the "Totorloa" joke and didn't even get it's relevance until now. Nice job, writers!

Just because the review doesn't fit into your idea of how a review should read, I believe it actually compliments the disjointed and unhinged storytelling of AHS and pays considerable respect to those of us that share in the love of this endlessly fascinating train-wreck of a TV show.

Am I alone in hoping that some drug cartel guys would show up at some point and decapitate some of the Mexicans that were deifying Butters and he would get crucified, a la Life of Brian?


I live above, and work at, a bar that I own with my dad and I went sober a year and a half ago. Quitting the weed, the coke and the booze saved my life. Honestly, seeing all the drunks day after day reminds me of how fucked up I was and definitely helps keep me on the wagon.

BTW. Closed Circuit to Keith Phipps, the reveal of what's in the casket is one of my all-time favorite surprises in cinema that wasn't ruined for me before my 1st viewing. They don't even show it in the trailer.
A spoiler warning might have been nice.
Just sayin'.

Fucking rules.
My second favorite Spaghetti western after The Good the Bad and the Ugly.
Get the DVD by Blue Underground, now!
Grimy, shockingly violent, nihilistic, and beautifully shot… but it's saddled with some very unfortunate dubbing and an occasionally grainy transfer. The original print was damaged, but

I thought I was the only one who got that is was a riff on the Alison ep. I watched the update on her and the girl is totes fiiiiiine now that she's no longer huffing, but I'll forever be haunted by her eyes….
Damn, that's some fucked up shit right there…. HER FUCKING EYES!!!

Superchunk anyone???
Tossing Seeds, Incidental Music and Cup of Sand, peoples!

Stacy, props out to you for not letting the d-bags here get u down.
I'm all down with cute chicks being into my fave show and willing to take shit-tons of crap from random d-bags.
U go Girl!
: )

I always thought the same thing… how can such a beautiful girl be so socially awkward and friendless?
…Until I met my current girlfriend, that is.
She started coming into the bar I manage about a year ago by herself and we just hit it off.
Easily the most gorgeous woman I've ever met in my life, but since she's

Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat
This shit was nuts.
Used to get up early on Saturday mornings when it aired in the early 90's and get baked to the bejeezus and watch this while eating peanut buter crunch.
Yum. Peanut Butter Crunch.