This week's LSFYL was brought to you by Airdancers®…
This week's LSFYL was brought to you by Airdancers®…
Right, I don't think she got nearly enough credit for how beautiful she was. Especially with the Louise Brooks wig (I forget which episode). Probably one of the most dramatic drag transformations of all seasons.
It was a mess! And I don't think the Day of the Dead angle was original at all. She looked like a middle schooler going through her goth phase on Halloween. Jinx used to be one of my favorites, but she gets by with make-up skills and outfits that wouldn't have made it past the first episode on other seasons.
@avclub-8ac52748863d7562bf1e6e305eb6b552:disqus Suff Sculpture! That was Serena ChaCha. Jiggly Caliente also had some pretty terrible outfits. But can someone explain to me (seriously, I don't get it) why Alyssa's dress was so awful, but Jinx got praised for her wonky makeup and Hot Topic mall goth tights?
Um…Roxxxy Andrews in the mini-challenge. That weird transphobic bullshit made me embarrassed to watch the show. I wish they'd just edited that out entirely.
What was the Fassbinder movie where he dressed up like an obese sassy grandmother?
You'd be surprised, Santa Cruz is becoming a shadow of its former self.
About six years ago there was a Teen Vogue issue centered around the idea of the "gbff" —- the "gay best friend forever." Of course, meaning gay male specifically, and the letter from the editor included the statement: "the gbff is this season's best accessory."
@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus Why even have a revolution if half the country wants the politics of Pitt the Younger's England?
Hey, Melissa Etheridge hosted a show on Lifetime for a while (which is how I first learned who she was, I don't know what that says about me), so it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Movie pitch: So, we still have Malin Akerman on contract for the Rock of Ages sequel. Lets make a movie exactly like that, but with someone dressed up as Joey Ramone.
I choose to believe (despite obvious evidence to the contrary) that Randy's stay in Canada is really just his much longer and better conceived version of "I'm Still Here."
@avclub-ad45e11f2e88b8963920c79cd1d8755e:disqus What has he done recently that you'd recommend? I don't know why I tend to dislike him as much as I do even though I'm a huge Kids in the Hall fan.
Exactly. Not only that, the accent he chose to do over and over again is unfathomably unattractive.
Because Jim Carrey makes movies that are marketable to children, and Dave Foley got really weird in the late '90s.
@avclub-f42523df3fafe56f111474dc70679dcf:disqus Be careful what you wish for. We all know this REALLY would have ended up with Tom Cruise as James Bond in the '90s.
And (I'm speaking of South Korea) where it's normal for high schools to have multiple scales for students to measure their weight and for universities to discriminate based on physical appearance:
I find Hunter, Parker, and any first name that sounds like a generic WASP-y surname to be unforgiveable. Why do you want your child to sound like a law firm specializing in Bonfire of the Vanities-esque defense cases?
Grandma's Boy + this Tim and Eric sketch…, probably - anything humorous to people above the age of 16
Great idea! Now, if we can just fire Seth MacFarlane, drive him somewhere far, far away from Hollywood, then replace him with literally anyone else.