Conan Hates Cynicism

I didn't mean to imply Odenkirk himself would would use that tactic, but I imagine "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"-era Costner did well for himself. What with the Bryan Adams song and all.

So much great stuff in this episode, but Saul was especially hilarious. I can see Bob Odenkirk feasibly convincing a woman he was Kevin Costner to sleep with her. Priceless.

Yeah, I think a comparison to the Fountain is warranted in the level of hate they've generated that I just don't understand. Both are flawed for sure, but both were well done, ambitious, and ultimately touching. I love both and will continue to fervently argue their merits.

Yeah, I got misty a couple of times. Wasn't expecting that. Well played Lost.

Color Me Satisfied
I gotta say, I'm a certified dumb guy, so the idea of the flash sideways being a sort of afterlife didn't occur to me. I'm really happy with what was addressed and what wasn't.

This is one of those bands I'm embarrassed to never have been able to get into. I loves me some long plodding metal songs, but I never really got into these guys. I guess I've only ever really sat down with Oceanic, maybe I'll give some other album another try.

Ah fuck, I forgot you can't mention the number one without invoking firsties. Shit, not intentional. My bad.

A movie. About fuckin Wolverine. There, that's all you should need to make a good Wolverine movie. But apparently not.

And I love that she's implicating herself deeper and deeper into Walt's illegal activities. When/if the hammer comes down on Walt how culpable will she be? Will she be able to walk from this? Probably not.

ill-advised turntable tricks
I actually really dug Peeping Tom when it came out, but I listened to it again recently and it doesn't hold up so well.

Would anybody tell me if I was gettin stupider?

I'm guessing Mike The Cleaner too, he seemed to know what was up with the mark by Walt's house and made a remark about how it's good to have someone to get you back or something.
And yeah, Hank's monologue was killer. One of the most honest things a character has said on this show. If Walt had been this open and honest

Holy shit is exactly what I was thinking. One of the best things I've ever seen on television.

Rob Schrab
I didn't laugh as much this episode as I have at others, but I agree that this season had a pretty good hit to miss ratio.
Can we talk a second about how great Rob Schrab is though? "Just Breve" was one of the most gleefully awesome things I've seen on television. Rob Schrab really needs an outlet for his

I bet Alex Winter fucked Ted too.
Wow, great episode. Halfway through his conversation with Saul I guessed what Jesse was doing with the phone. Man that was heart wrenching. I'm really excited to see where his character goes this season, and over the course of the series.
Hank, man. I didn't expect him to let his guard

But did you get that thing I sent you?

Yeah, pizza on the roof got a huge laugh out of me too. I didn't suspect any CG tampering, but it did land absolutely perfectly. One in a million pizza toss I guess.

Agreed, that gym assembly was freakin masterful. Hilarious in all the right(wrong) ways.

"I'm the bad guy."
I seem to have hit a weird "people dealing with the harm they've caused others" trifecta. About a month ago I was re-watching The Wire where Bubbles blames himself for causing the death of his protege, and just yesterday I re-watched Rachel Getting Married where Anne Hathaway has her little

Bikini Kill
I've always suspected that Kathleen Hanna wouldn't approve of the crush I have on her. Still, Le Tigre was good times.