Conan Hates Cynicism

Doctor Who Podcasts?
Not on topic but, anyone have a Doctor Who podcast to recommend? There are a shit ton of them, was wondering if one was better than the rest…

According to The Sun and Bravewords.com Moore "Choked on his own vomit."

AV Talk?
How about an Av Talk about the pilot? And for that matter, how about more AV Talk in general, I need shit to listen to at work.

After reading that headline did any body else hear Wooderson say, "it would be a lot cooler if you did"?

Yeah, City of Evil was pretty actually pretty good. Granted it was thrash made for radio play and hot topic, but still pretty fun. Though the Ennio Morricone inspired song, "Strength of the World" is probably the only thing still on my ipod.

That line killed me too. Adding "Space" to any noun will always get my attention.
So says the Space-Pope.

Mr. Pond, "Yeah it is."
This is the only full season of Dr Who I've seen and it's been a bit of a revelation for me. From what I've seen Tennant is probably the better Doctor, but Matt Smith and Karen Gillan will always be the thing that hooked me. I feel a bit of my Nerd-blind spot has been completed. Dr Who!

The Invisible Man
I read The Invisible Man about a month ago, my first Wells since high school, and it struck me that this guy had a very dismal view of human nature. There really isn't a sympathetic character in the book. I only vaguely recall The Time Machine and War of The Worlds from school, was he really the

Huh, I didn't know who she was but IMDB tells me she was Bobby on King of The Hill. Neat!

Yeah, I saw em in Richmond a few years ago and they are annoyingly good live. Crazy musicianship but also really accessible.

Yeah, I loved Amy in this episode. Her remark to Van Gogh, "I'm not the marrying type" was pretty heartbreaking. I'm very interested to see if Rory is really gone and forgotten.

"pain-by-numbers " That's pretty apt.

Cool, many thanks for the help. I definitely intend to catch up with all the Tennant and Smith episodes, is the Christopher Eccleston series as good?

I'm sure I'm not the only one that yelled "Bill Nighy!" at the TV when he appeared. He's so good in anything.

New Doctor Who convert
I've only seen a couple of Tennet/Smith episodes but I've loved what I've seen so far and I thought this one was pretty good silly fun. It felt like Van Gogh fan-fiction. Good times.

Speaking of bluegrass I caught the Punch Brothers set on NPR's site and it's killer. Chris Thile is a phenomenally talented dude. Awesome White Stripes and Radiohead covers too.

He definitely has a ponytail. That's all I know.

If you listen to fools (Ryan Adams)
the mob rules.

I love the comment from one of the commentaries that when Bob yells "God Dammit!" God actually damns things.

This is weird, I was just watching some Tim and Eric Season One yesterday and Dunn-Prov absolutely slayed me.
Sad to hear he's gone.
Has anyone checked for spoiled man-milk?