Your Hardboiled Eggs

He was obviously factually wrong and deserved to be fired just for practical reasons, but I was almost willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just really really misguided. But after he went straight to the alt-right media, nah, not sliver of empathy left.

I don't have much love for actual conservatives either, but it's really amazing how quickly people have dropped the pretense and openly admit that they're just full blown reactionaries.

I only had to change once and I was still pretty rough. At my second high school I was "popular" in certain crowds just because I was involved in music stuff, but I still never *really* had friends. Breaking into established social groups is hard.

I hated high school, but it's not like life has gotten any better since then.

Which is another reason long passwords are counterproductive.

I've intentionally listened to recorded ska only a handful of times, but I had an old friend who dragged me to a few ska shows and they were always fun. The Reel Big Fish guy seems pretty self-aware, at least.

Florida-Georgia Line's name is perfect. It's all you need to know, right on the tin.

The version of JT's Suit and Tie without the Jay Z verse sucks. It goes from the second chorus strait into the half-time final chorus.

Oh my god I had that thing too. There was that music video with the pyramids and shit too. And another one where you were like riding a pipe through some kind of chemical factory. And a nice video of Paul McCartney and somebody else. I feel like I should remember more of it. I think it was another like 4 years before

I remember having that exact experience. My dad just assumed he'd be able to plug in the DVD player through the VCR's RCA input. Most confusing part was that the religious C-movie DVDs we had played just fine but the major studio ones didn't. I'm not sure how he eventually figured out he needed to buy the converter

Yeah, I'm pretty mediocre at the sports category, but thankfully the rest of my family is even worse.

I have to air-trombone that lick at the beginning every time.

I used to live like 2 bocks from our NBC affiliate's studio and I still couldn't pick them up. Their actual broadcast antenna 40 miles north out in the sticks and I was in a valley.

There's those "ClearTV" infomercials that hawk their antenna as a top secret govenrment loophole to stick it to the cable companies and get free TV. They even have some "cable engineer" with a digitally distorted voice spilling the beans. I don't think they even use the word "antenna", they just call it a " special

Oh a weeknight recipe cookbook from Kenji sounds amazing.

The worst part about Reddit is about how everyone pretends to be oh-so-"liberal" just because they're not religious, like weed, and are kinda okay with gay people sometimes. Despite being an authoritarian reactionary on every other issue. I'm exaggerating, but only a little.

Downside is I've probably only made like three of the actual recipes in there because they're so fastidious and I'm just a bachelor without much time. That beef stew (I think the version I use is actually on the website?) was a huge hit the couple of times I made it for guests though. I should really dive back into it

Perkins always seems really expensive for what it is. Like they charge $14 for a breakfast that's perfectly satisfying, but would only be like $8 at Waffle House.

Yeah I'm especially guilty of this when I'm trying to date, don't want to be the old man who's too cool to use emojis.

Regarding Blackbird, "You all got it wrong!"