Your Hardboiled Eggs

Band On the Run doesn't have a bad song, assuming you like the title track.

Damn, that's pretty good price for a floor seat. I was in the lower bowl, straight back from the stage but only 10 rows up or so and payed $160, $190 after all the bullshit fees.

Saw this tour a few days ago, just chiming in to agree with everyone else.

He played Temporary Secretary when I saw him on Friday. The casual fans behind me we're kinda baffled (not that I was that familiar with it either, but I was into it.)

The thing that gets me is that my phone's battery dies at least several times a week. Being unable to buy anything or get in my apartment just because my phone dies would suck, and carrying around some card and a key just in case would defeat the purpose. I still haven't bothered with mobile payments for that exact

The ones that take regular swipe credit cards only work like 70% of the time too.

Sadly, this only seems to be Outlook Express. The flagship Outlook will probably live on for another 15 year at the rate most corporate environments update software.

Reddit kinda ruined Rick and Morty for me. But maybe that's my fault for spending too much time on Reddit.

Wizard World has come through here the past few years and they kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Like I know all these things are designed to part nerds from their money, but I *know* the nerds who drop a lot of dough there and they didn't even get an actual vacation out of the deal.

I visit at least once a year, but I usually stick to the two or three most touristy areas so I have no idea what living there would actually be like.

That solo is so expressive, I kinda assumed it was played on some kind of midi guitar or EWI. Never really looked into it though. Still counts?

I've never met Patrick. Talking to someone who writes at great length about how anxious and antisocial he is is kinda intimidating.

I've seen Titus three times now. Once in 2011 at a festival right around the time The Monitor came out, but I kinda forgot about them for 4 years. Loved TMLT when it came out, finally got around to really listening to them, and I saw them twice in 2016. Really really good, really loud. Patrick is a hell of a frontman.

I saw them last week and they were down a guitarist (to only 3, lol) for some reason I don't remember. Still great though.

Maybe it's my perspective, but it always seems like the moral indignation comes from the other side.

Upset might be a strong word. Also I probably haven't actually played it in like 7 years or something.

Yeah, I'm reluctantly doing an internship in telecom right now. Our bigwig corporate lawyer's angle is basically "the Obama administration favored left-coast tech corporations because Google Analytics helped him get elected therefore you should help us [the telecom] out instead."

I used to tilt people so bad with they way I played Clue. Only test for one variable at a time, basic scientific method shit.

Depends a lot on the crowd. Reddit loves the game mostly because they have an excuse to make rape/pedo jokes IRL.

Speaking of whistling and 2007, around that time I worked at a fast food place that had delusions of being cool. So much Young Folks by Peter Bjorn & John.