Your Hardboiled Eggs

My parents live in a cookie-cutter house. Looks like people live there, but you'd still never catch any slothfulness.

I'm like, not even against a poly lifestyle in theory, but seems like most people who use the term just like having a fancy-sounding word for "sleeping around."

My last serious ex was pretty conservative. I mean, her belief system was pretty incoherent in general, but she had military family and was staunchly pro-gun. I'm glad we broke up before Trump really rose to prominence or else I would've been put in the awkward position of dealing with *that*.

I'm working my way Crazy Ex and I'm not sure why I didn't just believe everybody the first dozen times. I've had the phrase "is there an IUD, that can stop the image of you and me" stuck in my head since last night. And all the other songs too.

Anyone who's been to CoMo a few times has heard of Shakespeare's but I don't know if I've ever actually been. It was always too busy, for better or for worse. I think most of the times we went there, we went to the Panera in the old bank building because back in 2002 I lived in a smaller town and Panera was actually a

Is that meme going around on Facebook and shit too? I saw it on reddit, but that kind of two-sides bullshit is typical over there.

Like legit, I've kinda wondered this, if gets kicked out, will he even get a library? A state funeral? Fuck knows he doesn't deserve either.

A lot of the Linux community is so weird. I love the idea of open-source software, but it also tends to attract a lot of privacy-minded conspiracy theories, a group that's been leaning right lately.

I'm just thinking about the time my very-caucasian mom played one of the three in a community theater production of Little Shop. I have no idea where the rented the Audrey II prop from.

Nobody's talking about the Trump administration in this thread, you're the one conflating this administration with white supremacists. Really makes you think.

Replying to this like two years too late, but that's been my move at weddings lately.

I'm seriously worried about the future of the economy. By most accounts it's already pretty rough out there, even if unemployment isn't terrible.

I blame reddit.

I just do it because of my fragile masculinity. I'll use big carts when I really need 3 bags of kitty litter, but small carts? No sir.

Mine's in a strip mall, so I guess it just depends on how busy the Marshall's next door is.

I just assumed it was made by Gallo or something, but even Gallo's other brands that don't come in a box start at $5 a bottle, so I'll still play along.

I've noticed even the nice Aldis are still Aldi. I like what they do in theory, I'd probably shop there if I had kids with insatiable appetites for generic snacks, but there's not one on this side of town and I can get almost anything I'd ever need at our regional mega-grocer so I just end up shopping there.

I always liked her. I always thought it was kinda common knowledge that she was actually really talented and the party girl thing was just a shtick.


I always forget Anna Kendrick got her first role in Twilight. And I don't know if this makes me feel old or young, but I could've sworn the first one came out much earlier than 2008.