Wolf Gangnam Style

Danny Pudi's been doing some of his best work of the series this season.

The gay infidelity drama makes sense. I had no idea the Philippines had such a huge gay community before I saw that channel.

Yeah, my mistake, I misunderstood your point. It's definitely one of the most entertaining movies that has "no point".

I live in and grew up in America, but I lived with my Filipino grandparents for a long time and towards the end of their lives they watched nothing but the Filipino channel, and based on what they show on that channel, nope, it's nothing but weird crazy singing competition shows.

The actor that plays Nucky's brother on Boardwalk Empire

You picked a weird example to make your point. The Big Lebowski is revered for a lot of things, but the way the story unfolds is NOT one of them. It's pretty much universally accepted that that movie falls apart in the third act.

I'm not saying he didn't. Did you see my other comment about his performance? I absolutely loved his performance, and like I said, I wouldn't be upset if he won. I'd actually be ecstatic. But have you read that Rolling Stone interview? Or really seen any interview with him since Moneyball? He clearly has a bug up his

For me, The Social Network is that rare movie where all the elements seem to come together flawlessly. The performances are fantastic across the board, it's easily Sorkin's best screenplay, the Reznor/Ross score complements rather than supplements the movie but is still memorable, and Fincher's ominous tone brings a

Talk about category fraud. If any one actor was a "lead" in that movie it was DiCaprio. Even with Damon perhaps having slightly more screen time, the story is more Billy Costigan's than Colin Sullivan's, at least in my opinion.

No I meant self-aggrandizing, somewhat smarmy, more than eager to glad-hand and campaign, actively seeking critical and awards validation and has broad, commercial appeal.

Not impossible, but still highly, highly improbable. If Frozen wasn't such an odds on favorite I might be more inclined to agree with you. I think you're giving both Despicable Me 2 and The Croods far too much credit. Especially The Croods seeing as how Dreamworks hasn't had a winner since Shrek. I haven't seen it,

Yep, I could definitely see American Hustle or 12 Years a Slave winning as well. I don't know how much of a lock Gatsby is. The so-called "experts" are much more likely to be way off base with these "smaller" awards than the big 6-8.

And the funniest part about that whole thing is, Norbit was actually nominated for an Oscar for make-up.

Yeah, I think the story was kept simple out of necessity. It's one of the rare instances where I think that focusing on HOW the story is told rather than the story itself worked to a film's advantage.

Of all of his predictions I think Gatsby losing is the most likely (still not very likely).

I just had a revelation. Shia LaBeouf is behind every reposted comment profile. It's so obvious!

I will eat every pair of socks I own if Julia Roberts wins an Oscar this Sunday.

The editing was the one thing outside of performances and makeup that stood out to me.

Most overlooked movies of 2013 (in terms of awards season)?

I enjoyed it, but I'm a sucker for most Oscar bait-y type movies. I didn't even dislike The Secret Life of Walter Mitty that much.