Wolf Gangnam Style

Maybe he included that scene and didn't resolve it neatly because he knew it would cause people to have this conversation.

by your logic, I could imply the 60s were an awful generation by singling out one band like Strawberry Alarm Clock and saying "this a generation that will make dumb, bubblegum pop nonsensical bullshit and call it something ridiculous like Incense and Peppermints and think nothing of it, fuck this entire generation of

Generation X and Baby Boomers voted George W. Bush into office, TWICE. Fuck those generations.

I think you missed the point.

I can't be the only person who thought Mitch Hurwitz was Matt Besser the whole time, right?

Attention, campers: Lunch has been canceled today, due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.

"Congratulations, Mr. Simms. You are the fattest boy in camp."

Vanessa Bayer just sells it in those Spotlightz sketches.

Gerald Ford also didn't fall down THAT much. And George H.W. Bush didn't really sound like that. And Barry Gibb doesn't host a political talk show with his dead brother where he accosts his guests and spontaneously breaks into song. I also doubt he talks like that.
This is nothing new.

Also, I think Brooks Wheelan, in addition to Noel Wells, is toast. He finally got something somewhat substantial to do with that awful cowboy skit and he did not seem comfortable or natural at all. I wouldn't be surprised if Wells, Wheelan and Milhiser all got the axe after this season. Wouldn't be surprised if Nasim

That elevator sketch had me in stitches.

He needs to change his delivery, and make it feel less like a guy just standing there shouting jokes at you.

He needs to change his delivery in the monologue. It worked on Weekend Update well enough, but for some reason it's not working. Maybe it's just me, but I think he needs to stop shouting his jokes.

He could do 10 performances of 4'33'' every night!

Really? Did you see that extended bit during his second show of the audience members commenting on how his how had "lost its edge" since the first show? It was pretty damn funny and seemed like something Conan would have done during his glory days of Late Night.

Oh that's right, that had me rolling!


Some people don't like it when sitcoms throw them a curve ball and make them feel uncomfortable, or they feel like it's lacking easily identifiable, quantifiable laughs.

what was the first?

Yeah, it's safe to say a person that nobody commenting on this site knows personally has an eating disorder. Yep, TV entitles us to do things like that.