Wolf Gangnam Style

Billy passed the third grade,
oh what a glorious daayy-ee-yay.
Ohhh, passin third grade
the BILLY MADISON waaayy-ee-yay!

I agree that the supporting actress category is a lot more up in the air than it seems. The only one without a real shot is Julia Roberts.

I agree with her that The Social Network is a modern masterpiece (I also agree with her undying love for Lincoln too) but I don't think it getting snubbed is an utter travesty. If anything, it cements its status as a masterpiece.

You are going to lose a lot of money.

"Gravity, with its frequent (and possibly artificial) absence of editing"

I know the Oscars are pointless and stupid but I can't help but get excited about them every year. It's like March Madness for movie geeks.

Leo's best is The Aviator for me.

I wouldn't be surprised or upset if Jonah Hill upset Leto. I think a lot of people are overlooking how he might be the kind of actor that has huge appeal with certain Academy voters.

Did EVERY prediction and preference really have to differ? Do people honestly believe Amy Adams gave a better performance than Cate Blanchett?


Maybe you should assume SOME of the blame for this. Any comment that's not "Cupcakes are yummy and I love ponies" (and even THAT could offend diabetics and equinophobes) has the potential to offend someone, and you need to be cognizant of that Scrawler.

Don't talk about it, that's streets behind.

He drops the word "tranny" about 3 paragraphs in and it's not even in any sort of referential context, it's completely sincere.

"Is your refrigerator running?"
"That's the oldest one in the book."
"Neo, please! Let me tell you about the Matrix."
"I'm hanging up."
"Don't hang up! We don't have to talk about the Matrix. We can just talk about, stuff. Your favorite bands, chicks who've broken our hearts…The Matrix."

I don't think Jon Stewart genuinely likes Bill O'Reilly. I think they're both very shrewd media personalities and know that when they do each other's shows or do things like that debate, both of their audiences eat it up. Everyone loves a villain, as they say.

No, Greta Gerwig, you're better than this!

Since this is tangentially related to Good Burger via Sinbad and because I've been wanting to get this out ever since I watched Good Burger for the first time in years on Netflix a few weeks ago, holy hell is that one of the most insane children's movies I've ever seen.
Just a few of my favorite elements:

Sinbad's too busy constantly wallowing in the destruction of his various cars and mailboxes at the hands of those two Good Burger rascals.

Suck brick, MattS!

I have no strong opinion one way or the other.