
You can watch new episodes of 30 Rock through Hulu+ now ;)

You can watch new episodes of 30 Rock through Hulu+ now ;)

The 9th Gate is awful.

The 9th Gate is awful.

I have a rule about this sort of thing.  The more offensive the joke the funnier it has to be to make up for the offensiveness to actually BE funny.  In this case Tosh isn't even funny enough to make a joke about athlete's foot funny.

I have a rule about this sort of thing.  The more offensive the joke the funnier it has to be to make up for the offensiveness to actually BE funny.  In this case Tosh isn't even funny enough to make a joke about athlete's foot funny.

And that's the real reason why Boner committed suicide.

Hey I hung out with these guys and David Cross one really weird night after a Spoon show in Boston.  They were as amazed that we were hanging out with David Cross as I was.

What no Haneke!?  No Benny's Video.  No The Seventh Continent.  No Funny Games???  Man you want to have an old fashioned death spiral of depression - watch those three back to back to back!

It's weird how the reviewer left out the drunk guy taking his kid fishing in the gross Miami River while cracking yet another beer. Or the mother and son argument where her son stole a joint from his mother.

Hey I'm from Sidney and growing up there was okay I guess!

I'm surprised by the hate for Session 9. I was really creeped out by that movie.

The first time I watched that movie was my first night in my very own apartment - it has a sentimental creepiness

Ah yes, it was Session 9 and also you guys are wrong.

I always think of the image at the end - especially when watching it with no lights on and the room just goes pitch dark.

Scary Movies List anyone?
The Tenant,
Tale of Two Sisters,
The Strangers,
Ils (Them),
District 9

I thought that was Laura Dern so I looked 'er up on imdb and it was.

I think they are going the 30 Rock route except more cleverer.


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