
Yes I agree. That is one adorable woman. I'd like to have little baby man-icottis* with her.

I don't think the issue is whether what Polanski did was wrong - of course it was. The only factor in question is the way the judge dealt with the case. I believe he changed his mind about the plea-bargain half-way through the proceedings and seemed to create a media circus inside his own courtroom

I think that's on Watch Instantly on Netflix. I tried to watch it the other day but the damn internet kept on screwing everything up.

YES! I was coming to this article expecting nothing but hatred for this show.

I'm boycotting Flash Forward because it sounds like a rip-off of a Kurt Vonnegut book (Time Quake).

I agree, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, more like 'It's always Funny in Silly-delphia'!

Okay, off to Amazon for some new mp3 albums.

I've never listened to the Feelies
Are these good Feelies albums to begin my introduction?