Soylent Green

Yeah, but then she tells me we're putting our heads in the sand. I'm all, "I know he's an asshole! Now lets talk about your asshole!"

Does the notion of right and wrong not come into this at all?

I have kind of a weird inverse of the problem Liberal Grandma presented. My wife and I both hate Trump, but it's all she seems to want to talk about. I try and initiate some sexy time, and she's all, "that Trump is a fuckstick, isn't he?" Then she wants to talk about what will happen the next time we get together with

"claiming and keeping private property demands the existence of force"

It's either this or "Rabbit of Seville" for me. Something about Bugs slapping Elmer's scalp with his ears makes me howl. Every. Time.

Don't the voters chose who holds those positions? They do in my state.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure search warrants must come from a judge, not the DoJ. So fuck them running.

Sometimes "GJI" just needs to let the video speak for itself.

Olympia Snowe. Maybe John Kasich?

24's David Palmer was a Democrat. The villainous President Logan was a Republican. Anyone know which party President William Devane was in? He seemed nice. Of course, he was also struggling w/Alzheimer's and his daughter was murdered.

Karen Paige is apparently in all 13 episodes, per IMDb. I guess she'll be Punisher's Claire.

Ought to be easy enough to smuggle poison into Seagate prison and get some con in there to do it for you.

Ahem, John Clark of Clear and Present Danger is here to put a bullet in your head.

I guess Luke Cage is still dealing with his legal issues in Georgia, because upon hearing that Danny was involved in fighting The Hand, Claire should have been, "before we go any further, let me get my bulletproof, and presumably, sword-proof super-strong friend in on this because I am going to stand behind him the

I was disappointed that after seeing all of Harold's fight training that we didn't get a throw-down with Danny, and maybe see a few surprises out of Harold.

Technically, the crematorium killed Harold, not Ward.

YOU get a ninja horde! And YOU get a ninja horde!

Claire isn't in the Punisher series? That makes perfect sense, though. From what we've seen of her in the 4 series so far, I can't see her going out of her way to help a murderer like Frank Castle, no matter how much humanity Bernthal portrays in him.

Yeah, but they meant the Affleck DD.

Matt needs to carry his fists higher. That could hurt him in later rounds.