Soylent Green

WTF is the Avocado?

What kind of idiots would use emoji in official work communications?

(Gawker rises from the dead, ruins flamingwombat via Twitter)

Uh… you get the cure for CancerAIDS?

Maybe… just maybe… the Kinja was in our hearts, all along.

Gabbo! Gabbo! GABBO!!

okay, it's 8/23, 11:00 CDT… when are we going to get to this shitty fireworks factory?

"Taylor Swift announces ominous-sounding 'Phase 2'"

No, I meant that's what he looks like. ;)

Seems to me the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville would have been the perfect time to shitcan that racist-baiting fuckwad, but then, that would be if the president were a normal person. OTOH, a normal person wouldn't bring that formless lump of sentient diarrhea into their administration to begin with.

Well, I guess he'll have a lot more time to suck his own cock, now.

Well, in all fairness to the millennials you mentioned, there are a great variety of things to search for on PornHub that go beyond titties.


And "thorn" and "dawn" don't rhyme.

This looks like it could have been better if the filmmakers either cared a little more, or were more insane.

Yeah, I haven't seen Midnight Run in a while, but that didn't sound right.

Of course. I think the larger point is, capitalist or communist, people are dicks.

We only know that b/c she's never spoken. For all we know, she came up with that "many sides" inanity.

"I'd like a Drake steak and a Drake shake, please."