Soylent Green

Only if Danny is there. If it's any of the Defenders WITHOUT Danny present, she'll probably be all, "that Danny is an idiot, isn't he?"

Colleen vs. Bakudo wasn't bad, but could have been better.

Poison? Didn't anyone bring up poison?

Yeah, I finally finished IF just this morning, and thought to myself, "this family drama about the Meachums would have probably been better without this 'Danny Rand' supporting character."

Heh. Replace the Punisher with "Claire Temple" and you've got how I feel about IF and post-Cottonmouth LC.

When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine University!

Nice, but James Horner's music for Star Trek II rocks out with its cock out.

Oh yeah. Scarborough left the GOP though. Guess he still counts as conservative.

Sucks for the Mighty Mighty Bosstones guy that he didn't have sexy abs

This is the movie that launched my lifelong obsession with Kate Winslet and her spongecake-like tits.

Yes, that one.

I forgot about Mississippi Gary

Nothing like a little mainstream corporate treatment to make something that could be cool turn totally lame.

Go away! 'Baitin'!

The Ladies' Man?

Hannibal Lecter even fucking says, "Buffalo Bill's not a real transsexual, but he thinks he is."
(Emphasis mine)

There's a KITH sketch where Scott Thompson plays a black guy. It's actually pretty funny and not because he's doing "black guy" comedy.

Yeah, that 25-year-old sketch that no one's thought of in 23 years has got to go!

A native Chicagoan (Chicagoander? Chicagonaut?) told me "Windy City" referred to all the gasbag politicians.

I feel shocked!