Soylent Green

I haven't even seen Making a Murderer and that made me laugh.

You'll find this is a common problem with reviews for the Netflix shows.

I don't know what all this Crystal Skull jabberwocky is, but Spielberg's right, Temple of Doom is definitely the weakest of the three.


Sigh. And now this movie is on Netflix and my damn wiener kids think it's hilarious.

Hey, Blade made nearly any significant cut by a silver-edged weapon cause vampires to straight-up disintegrate.

I don't care who the villain is; Vincent Price could have made the Condiment King great fun.

Did Flounder try to defeat you by killing a horse in your office, vomiting on you, and hurling 10,000 marbles in the path of your foot soldiers?

I was saying booeignet…

Me too

Rickrolling jumped the shark about a decade ago

I guaran-goddamn-tee you that when I was nine, I could fucking spell. And I was a dumb kid, too.

TV news is a terrible setting for a drama, with the exception of Network and maybe Broadcast News but I consider the latter to be more comedy or dramedy than straight-up drama (and Network is probably more satire than drama, anyway). Broadcast is better suited to comedy, be it Murphy Brown, Newsradio, or Anchorman.

Cocaine's a helluva drug

Sam, when you're older like me, you'll realize that TGIF is just another day between NBC's Must See TV Thursday and CBS' Saturday night Crap-O-Rama.

So that D is only because the cast is talented?

"Hey, trans-people? Remember how shittily this country treated black people in the early half of last century in regards to military service? Well, we're going to treat you WORSE.

And then the murders began?

So… this guy's been in pretty much EVERYTHING? That's one of the longest RRs I've ever read.

Paint is actually quite useful for me for quick photo edits, when I don't need to do a whole lot of fancy stuff and I also don't feel like waiting for my next major life event while waiting for Adobe Photoshop to open.