Soylent Green

As soon as I get my rotisserie working again, I am going to try this sauce on a whole chicken. I only found out recently that my home state has its own style of barbecue sauce, although I suspect this may have been some recent invention of the state's chamber of commerce to cash in on barbecue's popularity.

I don't know what you're doing, but I don't think I have those flecks in my spooge.

You're a prick!

meh, aren't we already getting a Gotham by Gaslight animated feature?

And they can go with another actor who at one point replaced Ed Norton!

Daredevil's "lawyering" is anything but cool.

Aren't Comcast and Universal under the same corporate umbrella? Synergy!

I'm sure Disney/Marvel is in no hurry. Shouldn't the rights revert fully to them at some point if Universal doesn't make a new one?

Any Squirrel Girl sightings?

I'm trying to find a clip of Archer's Ray Gillette saying "no one's THAT gay," but I can't.

Even some Republican states that Trump carried and have Republican secretaries of state are telling his voter-fraud witch hunt to go fuck itself.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but now I know Michael Bay is gay.

Wait, what did Kushner do now? I though Jr. was at the top of our leaderboard right now.

I thought ScarJo was one of those "never nude" in movies types (at least until that alien thing she did a couple years ago). Did she WANT to be naked in that?

I'm not gonna get too excited about the creation of an unhackable quantum Internet. I'm sure dumbasses at Comcast and AT&T and whatever other stupid ass company will fuck it up somehow.


Trump Jr. is like the mentally-challenged sidekick to an '80s teen movie villain.

SCOTUS ruled tomatoes a vegetable for purposes of some import quota case, but generally, if it bears seeds, it's a fruit. Cucumbers, gourds, okra, green beans, too.

My wife calls that a Yankee Stadium dog. I'm not sure if there's anything unique or authentic about it. That's just how she liked her dogs when she lived in NY.

SJWs AND Trump supporters? Who would have thought they'd be united by their mutual love of ketchupy hot dogsā€¦