Soylent Green

You must not have been watching Fox News — that metamorphosis was complete a long time ago.

Anyone remember the mid-'90s Comedy Central show The Vacant Lot? They do a sketch where a guy invents a time machine that involves some contraption worn on the head, but instead of sending HIM back to 1980 to save John Lennon's life, it just sent his hair back in time and gave him a Flock of Seagulls cut.

The last few months have been downright Kafka-esque.

The other day someone posted around here about things they just can't watch any depiction of… I forget which article it was, but it got me thinking of what I just can't watch on screen, and I couldn't think of anything, but this has helped me remember — dismemberment just wigs me out, especially arms. Like in Kill Bill

Everything I've ever read about this guy suggests he's a richard.

If Sekulow denied Trump was under investigation, then isn't that confirming that Trump is under investigation?

You don't remember the whole thing where he denied mocking a disabled re—

People are putting way, WAY too much thought into the Cars universe.

It's amazing how much Harry Shearer's Mike Wallace looks like Chris Wallace in that clip, and how much the lawyer looks like Sekulow.

Gaslighting us NOW? This has been going on for months.

I interviewed Furst about 15 years ago, for diabetes awareness. It was only a phoner, but he seemed like a helluva nice guy. He was even willing to say, "may I buy 10,000 marbles, please?" for me.

I think they could have worked it into the climax at the zoo, rather than having a bear rip Luke Wilson's arm off.

I need to get my hands on Ash vs. Evil Dead seasons 1 & 2.

Wait, Bruce Campbell is in Cars 2?

I misread that as "Tomorrow's always fistin'!"

So… this will inevitably lead to a sequel, right?

Are you sure this guy has effectively kept a lid on the Travolta rumors? I mean, sure, maybe no one has confirmed it, but the rumors are definitely out there.

There was apparently much internal debate at Fox News about ten to twelve years ago on whether "Fair & Balanced" meant they presented news as objectively and without opinion as they could, or if they balanced out the perceived liberalism of all other broadcast media by just straight up skewing to the right.

Uh… Jeff Sessions' dick?

Ah, the Paul Ryan "He's new" defense. ;-)