Soylent Green

I guess I'll have to watch the interview. If she asks him questions like, "how can you possibly fucking think the massacre of 30 children was just 'made up,' you psychotic fatass shitweasel?" then I'd back off. If she just nods and smiles during Jones' answers without follow-up, then fuck her with Vlad Putin's dick.

Jesus Christ, they were still doing this as late as 1988?

Apparently Hawaiians eat a lot of it.

Sorry he's dead, and all, but I think this pretty much sums up the merits of "Hawaiian Pizza:"

eating a watermelon is cultural appropriation now?

MI-6's beancounters probably wanted him dead, too.

Yeah, but that's just good advice in general.

WOOO! Let it ride!

AS long as he doesn't knock the casket over

Interesting read, but this is still the dumbest fucking ad campaign since McDonald's rolled out the "Arch Deluxe" in the mid-'90s.

"Amateur?" Pfft. Ama-fucking-teur.

Ivanka? I thought it was Tiffany he wanted to schtup.

OOH, him card read good!

I don't care what the reasons are, the end result is that POTUS comes off as a dangerous lunatic with a tenuous grasp on reality.

Cause of death: knife wounds, gunshot wounds, laser wounds, shark bites, poison darts, and a shitload of herpes.

I was 7 or 8 when my parents took me to see Moonraker, because they thought a 007 film would be fun for a 3rd grader.

I haven't seen it in a long time, but other than the cargo net fight, all I seem to remember are a bunch of mujahideen on horseback, making it indistinguishable from the final act of Rambo III, so perhaps I will withdraw my "whore mouth" comment.

And led to Spielberg and Lucas teaming up to make Indiana Jones' globe-spanning adventures.

Tanya Roberts' acting make me want to claw my eyes out, though.

The last act in Afghanistan includes the cargo net fight while trailing out the back of an airborne C-130, so you shut your whore mouth!