Soylent Green

Which is your favorite Tim Dalton movie?

Still my favorite Bond, even if he starred in some of the silliest movies of the franchise. For Your Eyes Only is a high point in the series.

When this is done, I wonder if it will be because of the explosions, the ensuing panic, or both

In honor of Morrisey's birthday, I'm going to have steak fajitas tonight.

It's the hat that sets it off

Kick him in the nards!

"Dark Universe" sounds like the title of a poem written by an 8th grader who just discovered "Goth."

I was super pissed when some asshole spoiled the verdict in American Crime Story.

No, you take her out on your boat.

With a little help from Dif'rent Strokes.

I thought conservatives were supposed to like people who recognize an untapped market and use it to make themselves into millionaires—


if by "accidental" you mean "drunk off my ass."

I fear too many r/TheDonald-types will take this stuff seriously

No, but maybe we'll see Nacho use him to get the fuck out of Dodge.

Trump's probably going to beat him to it.

Next, on a very special Great Job, Internet: a heart-tugging look back at Goatse.

There's a catering company in my town, run by two female entrepreneurs. Apparently their specialty is oysters on the half shell, and unbelievably, they chose to name their business "Two Girls, One Shuck."

Totally. Lydia's a top exec at a multi-national. I'm sure hopping a flight from IAH to ABQ is like hailing a cab to you or me.

not to mention, if Chuck let Rebecca knock at the door for an hour without acknowledging her, the LAST person to bring him out would be Jimmy.