Soylent Green

And the complete opposite of her expression after the first time she saw a "Gimme Jimmy!" commercial.

her nose is weird

Ain't no black Hobbits…

I'm still hoping to see Robert Forster show up.

Strokenol. Merck made it until the FDA decided in 2009 that a stroke-inducing drug didn't need to be on the market.

I think I was somewhere in BB season 3 when I watched the first season of BCS.

In 2002, I'm surprised Howard isn't using a Blackberry.

Houston. She lived in Houston.

You kidding? President Fring would do all that plus urge Congress to pass a living wage, paid family leave, tax incentives and direct subsidies for on-the-job-training and welfare-to-work programs… but he would probably vehemently oppose drug legalization since that would undercut his biggest money-maker.

Or Xavier just gets into a car wreck.

Hector did goad Nacho into it. He asked, "who's working for who?" or something like that.

Meh, I gave Trump a chance. I'm pretty sure he used up any leeway I was giving him even before that jackass inaugural address of his.

well, relatively unscathed.

And if Mike knows anything about concrete, he knows a dead body in there will only weaken the foundation.

Rebecca was in the hearing room for Kim's closing argument, wasn't she? Jimmy doesn't need to tell her jack shit.

I'm expecting him to die spectacularly.

Millennials go great on a burger?

I think so. I haven't personally observed it (my 10-y.o. has it), but it's something my wife, who I outsourced all my reading up on it to (yeah, I'm an awesome dad!) said we should look out for.

He may be a douche, but avocados are gross, and Millennials are dumb.