
Looks like you're at the Cat's Cradle. One of my favorite venues of all time, owned by one of the nicest dudes you'll ever meet.

Except that the Shine song totally rips off the Pumpkins' Drown

I'd be more likely to pay to watch the gag reel than to actually watch this movie. That was one unfunny trailer for a comedy

"Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!"

My favorite ad was when they played a spot for Pearl Jam's 20 as I was listening to Pearl Jam's 20. Otherwise, as you said, it's Selena Gomez, Scotty McCreery or some dude with a shitty mixtape

Unyielding Condition, Black Flowers and Lemon Meringue are classic. But some of it I really can't stand. That said, I saw them tour for this album and it was fantastic, though I don't think my ears ever recovered from the volume.

No matter what the medium, "we didn't make this for the critics" means "it's a big stinking pile of shit"

Though you were right in point out some of the flaws, I'd still say this was the best show I've seen in a while. I hope it's not too long until season 2 airs.

For the people who can't stand her voice, if you haven't listened to her last album, at least give the first few songs a try. She sounds a lot more like Joni Mitchell now than little orphan Annie.

I stream through my PS3 onto a 50-inch TV and the quality seems HD for things like Parks and Rec. Even something older like Three Days of the Condor seemed HD quality, so I'm not sure I'm understanding people who complain about the visual quality. The audio can leave something to be desired though

one of the best concerts I ever saw
was a few years ago, Gillian and Dave at the Largo. They were fantastic, and tons of others helped out - John Paul Jones came out and played some mandolin, Benmont Tench of Tom Petty's Heartbreakers played and during the after-show show, Fiona Apple sang a few songs with this

Between this and the Bob Mould interview, the AV Club has made my day

I wish I could upvote this comment somehow

I wish I could upvote this comment somehow

I saw them a few years ago and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Part of this was due to John Paul Jones playing mandolin on a few songs with them. But Rawlings is hysterical and an underrated guitar player, and of course Gillian's voice is amazing. Looking forward to hearing this album.

@Hifrioma …and candy

Word. Raleigh has a ton of great bands now, with Rosebuds and Love Language at or near the top

O Brother
Genevieve, if by chance you don't already know about it, I would highly recommend Mountain Man's Made the Harbor LP. If you like Gillian Welch and the O Brother stuff, you will definitely dig Mountain Man

if you're in LA
They are playing the Troubadour tonight. I only know Chemical City but I'm pretty damn excited about this show

I just saw them the other night, and Roeser is indeed the leader of this group. He tried to coax Nash into a guitar solo, but he just played a couple notes - I'm not sure he knows how to solo.