
Pulp Fiction
The best part of Samuel Jackson's "that's all you had to say" line his how he looks at the phone before he hangs it up, like he's so happy that Marcellus said that he just can't believe it

Unbroken Chain
is the shit. And I think Animal Collective sampled it for a song. Worlds colliding

His name is Robert Paulson

Me too - great song and it still sounds good today. I also love "Almond Kisses" off their second LP, partly b/c Michael Stipe sings it

Penguin Cafe
Is that song sampled at the beginning of Spacehog's "In the Meantime"?

At least I'll know where to go to see if it's happened

What album or single is Fallon holding up at the beginning?

I bet she really can blow that far

I'd put The Jam's discography against pretty much anyone else's in terms of quality vs filler. As Jason intimates, their b-sides are better than most bands a-sides

is this movie about cheeseburgers in France?

Singles is a really underrated movie - Campbell Scott is unbelievably good, and great cameos from Pearl Jam, Chris Cornell, etc.

I never pay much attention to lyrics either. It took me 20 years to realize in Hairshirt that Stipe sings: Run a carbon-black test on my jaw, and you will find it's all been said before

a similar thing happened the day before at a Phish show in NY, except this guy is still alive

Agreed - her EP is unreal. Really looking forward to hearing this album

agree with Johannes Kepler - this is one of my favorite rock n roll performances of all time. just check out the video:

they are on the bill particularly for their leather sensibilities

I had a chance to see Radiohead in 95 on the Bends tour, when they were playing the Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill - occupancy of about 400. But I had gone to see GBV the night before and hadn't heard the Bends - thought Radiohead were one-hit wonders. Biggest regret of all time

Lester Bangs
I would highly recommend Bangs' Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung just for the review of Astral Weeks. It's beyond phenomenal

great article
I haven't seen In a Lonely Place, but I'd highly recommend The Big Sleep. Bogart has so many great one-liners, and it was a big influence on the Coens' for The Big Lebowski. Just a terrific movie