
I'm also a cisgender woman.

"Righters should proofread."

This is a huge peeve of mine. It would take the writer another 10-15 minutes to proofread their piece before posting it. Isn't that worth it? What AV Club and other websites give up in appearing sharp and professional because no one gives a rat's ass about proofreading….

It's a nit pick, but Henry calling Brooke Shields "mega hot" rang false to me. "Hot" was not the going adjective for sexy in the '80s. "Cute" would be more accurate, as I recall. "Foxy" or "a babe" were still hanging around after their heyday in the '70s. Also, pretty sure "mega" wasn't really a thing yet — not

No, Dale is played by Zach Galifianakis, too. He says so in an NPR interview.

It's to the tune of "Mickey" by Toni Basil.

How dare you mention True Blood in the same breath as The Shield! Blasphemy!

Geez, man, is it really so hard to avoid spoiling the show for people who haven't watched the last episode yet? This discussion is supposed to be for these two episodes, not anything that comes after them. Did you not read the guidelines up top? Do you not know that if you want to discuss the whole season, there's

It occurred to me when they had the baby discussion the first time that if Phillip and Elizabeth haven't gotten sterilized, they are sure leaving themselves pretty vulnerable to complications given the amount of sex they have to have with people not their spouses.

His name is Randy Fenoli and he's the fashion director, not the sales director. Sloppy.

Karolina Wydra also played House's wife on House. That's where I recognized her from.

I liked your review. It seems we're in capable hands this season.

"…Low Winter Sun, which is every bit as good as Breaking Bad."

I have re-watched that lip sync several times because it is so awesome!

Little Edie was when I became a Jinkx fan.

I hate that I was right, but once Laurie told Cooper she didn't want a kid with him, I knew Cooper was going out.

Lutheranism is a branch of Protestantism.

It isn't.

"Heidi was the only judge pulling for her."

Hey now, don't you be dissing the Bee Gees.  They've written a bunch of excellent pop songs and made a distinctive place for themselves in the popular music pantheon.  I know they've become somewhat of a joke since the 70's, but it's not deserved.  If you really know and love music, don't be afraid to say you like or