
Ahem…(clears throat)

Sounds like most everyone here


Baba Meir

Did you misspell incontinence?

@The Quirk


At my age the tendency is to hit whatever I can get……

This posting order has gotten me hungry….

Looking forward to ripping your tongue out next.


Also looking forward to this and am hoping it comes to Maine far sooner than eight months. This is my field of study so I am also hoping the movie does justice to the subject matter.



I just can't get past the name Barney as I instantly conjure up a purple dino or an image of Fish. Sorry.

I misread the headline and thought I'd be reading about Jim Carrol but all my hopes just died, died.

Stay away from me Fishmonger….

He does that for the sloooow readers

*Throws bare bottles at Floyd and Scott*

True Frito, but they are a powerhouse in Hockey East!